About Me...

Hi there! My name is Kevin! I am a student all the way down here in Corpus Christi, Texas. I am currently working on the last year of my Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Sciences in Ministry. I have felt the call of God on my life to be a Grief and Crisis Counselor. I began to feel this call as a freshman in High School.

When I was nine years old, my father committed suicide. And if it were not for the quick action of my mother to put my brother and I into a series of Grief Counseling sessions, I don't know if I would be where I am today. I feel a calling on my life to bring hope to those who feel the darkness creeping in and engulfing their lives, to bring peace to those living in chaos. Paul writes in Romans 12:15, that we should "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." If I were to take a counseling view of this passage I would say that we are to be with people in the happy times and the sad times, but not just be with them in the sad times, be a light to them in the sad times, show them the love of Jesus, and bring them hope.

I am currently attending the South Texas School of Christian Studies. I plan to finish out these last few semesters strong and to enter into my Master's degree with excitement and vigor.

So, now that you know a little about my academic side, here are some fun facts about me...

I absolutely LOVE to play Disc Golf! If I'm not studying, you can find me out on the course, tearing it up! I could literally play all day 24/7 if I had the time!

I lead worship at my church here in town, of which my step-dad is the pastor.  I love to play music, I play the bass guitar and sing.

I went to Ireland on a mission trip in 2013 with my brother, Kyle. We spent one month in the cool, damp, land of our ancestors, preaching and teaching the truth of the Gospel of Jesus. That is one of my passions... Sharing the Gospel with people is one of my favorite things to do.

I am a part of a tag-team youth pastoring position at my church, where I get the chance to share Jesus with the next generation of Church leaders. I love ministry and plan to do it for the remainder of my life!

There is just a little bit about me! Can't wait to see what is in store for the rest of the semester!


  1. Hi Kevin, it's good to hear about that firm purpose in your life serving as a Grief and Crisis Counselor. That hope you mention to others will be a light to many, and you are there to do it with love for others! Thanks for sharing your experience.


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