About My Interest in Psychology

The branch of study in psychology that most interest me is the Counseling Psychology branch. In the branch of Counseling, topics that can be and are studied include grief, addiction, crises, family, pediatric counseling, finance, social work, insurance, and more.

Depending upon your level of dedication, the education necessary to work as a counselor can take the following time to complete: Four-years in a bachelor's degree in psychology, education or another field. One-two years of a master's degree program. Programs may require a one-year internship.

Jobs that relate to this branch include Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Grief and Crisis Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy, Mental Health Psychology, Guidance Counseling, Financial Counseling, and School Psychology. Salaries do vary between jobs, but according to the National Bureau of Statistics, a counselor with a master's degree can make up to $70,000 a year.

The link below displays the top 30 Psychologists in the world of the Counseling Field.

Top 30 Counselors

Personal Application- I'm interested in the area of Counseling because I feel that God has called me to be a Grief and Crisis Counselor. I was nine when my biological father died, and it was counseling that helped bring me out of that darkness. I feel that God has called me to share my experiences with others and to help them through theirs.


  1. It is truly amazing that you have recognized God's calling in your life. I'm a true advocate of counseling in any and all aspects. I'm so happy counseling was there t get your through such an incredibly hard time in your life. Because of the counseling you went through you are going to be so successful as a counselor. I don't even know you but my heart is so excited for your future and the wonderful impact you're going to have in so many lives!

  2. How wonderful it is to have received a calling to help people. Counseling has done a lot for me and I too love to advocate for counseling because I don’t know where I would be if I had never received help in my past. There are too many people who want help and don’t know where to begin so its nice to know there are people out there like you who are willing to share your experiences to help them.

  3. I agree with everyone that counseling is such a great thing for people. I have seen so many people in my life dealing with issues beyond their control and were able to go to counseling and it has helped so many of them in such great ways! I'm so happy that you are so passionate about this because the people who you are going to counsel need to know you are coming from a great place and only there to help them. I hope you are extremely successful in your future!

  4. The topics that can be covered through counseling psychology are broad. And you have a great challenge ahead! Putting your life in the service of God to be a counselor in time of crisis will surely bring much relief to people's lives. Your own experience has allowed you to approach those moments of crisis will be of great help and contribution for their lives.

  5. Good to see your interest in this area of psychology and how you shared about God's calling in your life.


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