
This area of Psychology is one that I have not really explored in my education, but I realized that I have been missing a lot of extremely interesting stuff. Parapsychology pertains to the brain's ability to access brain functions that sometimes may only occur at the point of death, or functions that can't normally be accessed. The functions include hypnosis, telepathy, etc. As I watched the documentary 'Natural Mystery', I found that sometimes I experience similar brain functions that I am aware of. For example, when I feel that people are staring at me, it causes me to look around to see if I can see the suspect. Another occurrence of these functions can be described as a chilling, goosebump, sensation on my neck when someone walks behind me; without seeing them, I know that they are there. Sometimes, I am able to dodge things that fly toward my head without my knowing that they are there, and right before them hit me. That may be known by some people as good reaction time, but dodging before I even see the object? I think it may be a little more than that.

I found it really interesting that the government used people who had those parapsychological tendencies to accomplish the things that they did. Using people with the ability to see places that they have never been before to predict what was going to happen in those places, truly amazing. They even used these people to find where hostages were hidden, and what their condition was.

I have been doing a lot of thinking recently about how God works in and through people's lives to bring glory to Himself, and this has given me even more to think about in that area. I watched a movie last night about the terrorist attack on the Paris Thalys train that was foiled by two military personnel and one civilian. That movie got me thinking about how those men didn't know this was going to happen, but God allowed them to go through the training that they did to be prepared for this very moment when they would save the lives of hundreds of people. I think God does that with everyone. He allows us to go through the rough stuff so that we can be effective in the work that He has set out for us. If I didn't go through the loss of so many family members in my life, I couldn't help others going through the same things as well as I already do. In the same way, I think that Parapsychology is a gift from God, a gift that has so many uses.


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