Reaction Time Experiment

This was an experiment to test the reaction time of a couple friends of mine, and myself. The experiment shows the time that it takes for your brain to send signals to the appropriate body part that needs to respond to certain situations. These videos and pictures will show the experiment in its entirety. I won't say much about the experiment in this part of the post, but I will let the videos speak for themselves... (I get really nervous on camera, and there were some technical difficulties, so I apologize in advance. Also, mine was not videoed.)



Preston Antunez

JC Longoria

Kevin Cooper

The results varied between the three of us, as one would imagine, but it was fun to see the difference in how our brains work. I learned that everyone is different, and our reaction times show that. I averaged the times and the measurements of how quickly we could grab the ruler given the circumstances of each situation. Each of our brains works either slower or faster than each other between all three of the separate tests.


  1. You have demonstrated your learning from this experience and also have provided evidences to show you did this well. Good job!

  2. Just curious, what did your friends (volunteers) think about the experiment? Did you explain their reaction time and your findings?


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