Character Study: Kyle Cooper

Personalities vary from person to person. No two personalities are exactly the same, but there are some people who share very similar characteristics within their personalities with others.

Kyle Cooper is my brother. We grew up together, living in the same room until he left for college. We know each other better than anyone else. We are best friends.

At first glance, one would think that my brother, Kyle would be extremely outgoing. He has no trouble leading worship at churches, or among small intimate groups of people, getting up in front of people to talk about Jesus or even leading group hangout sessions, but when you look closer, you find much more about Kyle than meets the eye.

Build My Life - (Housefires) Cover by Kyle Cooper

According to the Myers-Briggs personality test, Kyle is an ISFJ (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) I found that ISFJs make up 9 to 14 percent of the population. ISFJs "tend to be reserved, warm-hearted and responsible." is a great resource for online personality assessments. Here is what the website provides for ISFJs:

Introversion: ISFJs are introverted and tend to be quiet and reserved.

Sensing: ISFJs prefer concrete information rather than abstract theories.

Feeling: ISFJs place emphasis on personal considerations rather than objective information.

Judging: ISFJs are planners and tend to be very well-organized. 

Upon reading this information, I found that this matches exactly what I see when I look at Kyle.

Here is my assessment of Kyle's personality:

Introversion: Kyle is introverted. He doesn't shut down when around people that he does not know, but I can tell when he feels uncomfortable. His introversion shows in ways like, sometimes getting restless when in groups, or the early preparation to leave from gatherings. 

Sensing: Kyle does like to imagine things and discuss theories, but when it comes to facts he wants practical information. He does not prefer hypotheticals as opposed to the truth.

Feeling: Even though Kyle may need concrete information before making decisions, he does consider others' feelings in the matter. How the action might affect others or himself, and many times he will make decisions based on the feelings that he experiences more than anything else. Similar to the "Person-Situation Debate". 

Judging: Kyle is the type of person who schedules out his time and considers the outcome of his time spent, before spending it. He wants to make sure no time is wasted when things need to get done. He has always been this way. Though he may not always be well-organized, he takes everything into consideration before acting. 


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