Alright! What a great exercise for self-esteem building! I just wrote a letter to myself. I didn't realize how easy for me this would be. I have a very challenging time gathering my thoughts about many things, and I sort of that the same would happen when talking about myself. I was wrong. Before I wrote the letter, I had a long conversation with my Step-Dad. We talked about my struggles in school and really just life in general. I have struggled for a long time trying to please my Dad. For the longest time, I told myself that it would never be possible to make him proud. But, here I found myself almost in tears listening to the words, "I'm proud of you son." He has always told me that, but I never believed it until tonight. This gave me a real desire to encourage myself. I struggle with believing what others say about me. I tend to tell myself that those people don't know me, that only I know me. I then tell myself things that are not true and end up believing those things instead. Sounds dumb, I know, but I do know a lot of people that struggle in that way with their self-esteem.

This week's module was about positive psychology. The goal of positive psychology is to increase human happiness and human flourishing. It was very interesting to analyze the various aspects of positive psychology and realize that I need more of it in my life. I deal with a lot of depression and anxiety, more than I have time and energy for. But, this module helped me to realize that those things that I struggle with can be temporary if only I would put the time and effort into fixing it. I chose to write a letter to myself because if I believe what I say, then I will say good things about myself to myself. I want to believe that I am a good guy. I want to believe that I am loved. I want to believe that I can finish the semester strong! I have been so discouraged this week with all of the assignments that are due for all of my classes, and I'm honestly so tired of my anxiety right now. I wish I could just open my head and pull out the part of my brain that controls my nervous emotions and throw it in the trash.

But, I'm also tired of believing the lies that I tell myself, so I wrote this...


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